Zeeko Advice Hub

Learn how to help young people to safely benefit from the internet and technology 

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Screentime: How Best to Manage it

  When we visit schools throughout Ireland and during our parents digital crash courses one question that comes up consistently is in relation to screentime, how best to manage it and how to encourage a healthy online offline balance for children. The reality is that in this digital age screens are everywhere. Children could potentially…

Musical.ly App: What Parents Need to Know

  The Musical.ly app reached number 1 in the app charts a few weeks ago. So why is it so popular and what do you need to be aware of to ensure that your child stays safe, when they are using it? Musical.ly is essentially a way of sharing music videos with friends. While this…

Dangerous Apps: What Parents need to Know

  Today’s parents are well aware of the dangers lurking on popular social media sites. We often read or hear horror stories about cyberbullies, online predators, and identity thieves. In response to these threats, many of us have followed our kids’ lead and joined the major sites and apps, like Facebook or Twitter, to keep…

The Positive Effects of Social Media on Kids and Teens

  It was a challenge coming up with a title for this blog, as it seems strange to be highlighting the positive effects of using social media, but there are some! As we regularly say at Zeeko the Internet is a fantastic resource, but it is something that has to be navigated. Our children and…