Zeeko Advice Hub

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A Digital Detox - Has Your Family Tried It?

One of the questions we get asked most by parents when we speak with them at seminars in their schools or at our Parents Crash Courses focuses on ‘ how much time is too much time online and how to manage this?’ At a time when there are so many digital devices available and children…

Selfies: How to Ensure that Your Child Stays Safe

  The selfie, it’s certainly a new concept and was named word of the year by the Oxford Dictionary in 2015. Taking a photo of yourself and then sharing it via a social media network or via your smartphone with friends, is certainly something that parents can be unfamiliar with, but their children certainly aren’t.…

Google Allo App: What Parents Need to Know

  One of the most common concerns parents raise with us during our seminars at schools throughout the country is worry about what kind of apps and online games their children are accessing. With a growing number of messaging apps available parents can feel overwhelmed and it can undoubtedly be a challenge to keep up…

Snapchat Spectacles: What Parents Need to Know

Snapchat has just announced the release of it’s newest product, later in the Autumn- a pair of glasses that enables users to film videos and then upload them to the Snapchat app. Between 2009 and 2013 the amount of people who had uploaded a video to the internet had more than doubled, according to a…