Zeeko Advice Hub

Learn how to help young people to safely benefit from the internet and technology 

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Boundaries around devices - summertime vs school time

How do you set boundaries around devices? This can be a tricky topic to navigate in your household. Boundaries change depending on your child’s age, your values, school policies etc. School life gives structure, families have a routine. Summertime can be different as children have more free time, and parents are often working, so there…

Teenagers and Revenge Porn

What is Revenge Porn?Have you heard of Revenge porn? It is something that has been highlighted in the news recently. It is an activity that has emerged from younger people not being educated about the dangers of sharing inappropriate and explicit content of others without their consent, typically of a former partner. This content is…

The Dangers of TikTok

What is TikTok? We’re quite sure that most people are now aware of the social media platform TikTok. In recent years the platform has taken the world by storm. Aided by COVID-19 lockdowns, it’s now a common household name sitting right up there with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.  TikTok allows users to create, watch, and…

How participation in Magical Leaders can help your child's mental health

The month of May is dedicated to raising awareness around mental health. With mental health issues continually increasing for our children and students, at Zeeko, we are always researching and looking for ways to support parents, teachers, students and children around these topics. According to Mental Health Ireland, 1 in 10 children will suffer from some…

Are your children safe from online gaming addiction?

What is online gaming?   Online gaming is at an all-time high, with children now using devices before they even begin walking. Online gaming refers to any game played on a computer or device, generally over the internet. Last week, Ryan Tubrity on RTE Radio 1 dedicated a talk show segment to speaking about online…

5 ways to help your child maintain their mental health over the summer holidays

Summer is coming! In our last blog, we spoke on how to maintain your child’s digital wellbeing. Here at Zeeko, we believe that digital well-being and mental health go hand in hand. However, digital well-being is just one aspect of positive mental health. There are many contributing factors, some of which become more prevalent over…

5 ways to protect kids’ digital wellbeing over the summer months

 Summer is coming! Can you believe we are at that stage of the year now? For many of you who follow our weekly blog, it must be nice to go from the transition of the beginning of the school year, Christmas, Easter and now finally Summer. Although the thought of summer is exciting it can…

Social Media Cheat Sheet

Internet and online safety is very important. Today we take a look further into how our kids can be safer on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.Instagram   Instagram is a social media app used to share photos, videos, and messages. The main features are, Stories, Feed/Grid posts, Instagram Live, and private messaging. Most people use Instagram…

Teaching Innovation

 Innovation can be defined simply as a "new idea, device or method". However, innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, needs, or existing market needs. A person might often be described as innovative, but our question is can a student or child be taught how to be…

Dyslexia and the Primary School Child

What is Dyslexia? There are many definitions of dyslexia but the one we use at Dyslexia Matters Ireland is the definition by the International Dyslexia Association. They say that dyslexia is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition, poor spelling and decoding abilities.Dyslexia affects between 5-15% of the population (in Ireland we say around…

Should students to use the internet for homework?

 At Zeeko, we always start any presentation we make by saying that the internet is a fantastic resource, and it really is! Our internet safety seminars are the leading seminars in Ireland, having attended hundreds of Irish schools throughout the years. Teaching both children and parents how to navigate the internet safely is really important…

Working with your Kids to find a Balance between on and Offline Activities

In every aspect of life, we need to find balance. This can be difficult because, as human beings, we tend to become obsessed with things and activities. Addiction to screen time is a genuine thing. Once we create a habit in something it can be difficult to break that habit. Excessive screen time is a…