Zeeko Advice Hub

Learn how to help young people to safely benefit from the internet and technology 

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What is Stop-Block-Tell?

Kids nowadays are faced with so many rules; school rules, house rules, rules for their favourite sports,  the list go on and on. It can be overwhelming for them to remember every guideline they must adhere to, even though most are there for their safety and well-being. With that in mind, we are happy to…

What is a 'Chatbudi'?

One of our primary objectives when we are speaking to kids, parents and teachers is to encourage open communication on all things digital. Kids can often feel a little bit protective of their online identity, and can even sometimes be ashamed of some of their online behaviour. Encouraging your cyberkid to be open and honest…

Need a crash course in Internet Safety for your cyberkids? Look no further...

We’ve got your back   Over the past few months the Chatbudi team has been hard at work solving the problems Irish parents face with their children’s use of the Internet. We have road tripped across Dublin, to schools, shopping centres and sitting-rooms. We have had countless cups of tea with mums and dads and…

Great News: Chatbudi is now LIVE!