The back to school season this year is completely different to anything we have previously dealt with. It is still uncertain how the next year will play out. After more than a year of back and forth, uncertainty and limited social interactions, it is no wonder students are feeling more anxious than ever about returning […]
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Category: Teacher Blog
Information and advice for teachers
10 Quick And Easy Social-Distance-Friendly Ice Breaker Activ...
Planning for next term? Help your students get to know each other.Any secondary school teacher knows how important helping your students get to know each other is. Moving into secondary school is an exciting time. Students get to experience a whole new environment with the potential to make lots of new friends. However, as we […]
Is It Time To Refresh Your Transition Programme?
A report by Voice Community recently shared insights gathered from a pool of 600 teachers, teaching assistants, headteachers and early years practitioners. According to the report, “Mental health was the single biggest concern voiced by our members … It was clear that the impact of coronavirus would be felt for a long time and that […]
Talking to your students about screen time
For young people today, screens and the internet are part of the everyday. Many have never experienced a time without smartphones and personal computers in the home. Unfortunately, for something so embedded and necessary in our society, in general we do not have the best relationship with technology and screens. Too much screen time and […]
Virtual School Tours
Virtual School ToursTake your class on an epic digital adventure!It’s that time of the year when our students would usually be looking forward to an exciting school tour. Unfortunately, this year many schools have had to cancel their school tours due to the impact of Covid-19, and students and teachers are left with nothing much […]
Magical Leaders – A teaching resource for learning and apply
Magical Leaders – A teaching resource for learning and applying 21st century skills.The world is changing more rapidly than we could ever imagine. It was not that many years ago that portable mobile phones, AI, and voice-controlled technology were nothing more than tropes in science fiction movies. Now they are part of our every day […]
7 Benefits of Coding for Kids and Students
Coding is becoming increasingly popular among Irish children. Have a read of this guest article by Holly Clark from US based on the benefits of coding! For kids to appreciate how the modern technology operates, there is a need to introduce them to coding. Most kids are living in a world where technology […]
Appyness Online: A New Frontier in Peer Led Education!
Here at Zeeko, we provide our subscribers with a weekly blog offering advice and tips for parents to enhance and improve their knowledge of internet safety and how to best manage their children’s time online. Our blog this week tells you all you need to know about Appyness Online a new way for children […]
Protecting Children Online: The Role of Social Media Compani...
There has been a lot of focus on the protection of children when they are online over the last number of weeks in Ireland, in light of the imprisonment of Mathew Horan. It is of course every adults’ responsibility to keep children safe online and that includes parents, teachers, grandparents and carers. There is of […]
Create, Connect and Share Respect: Safer Internet Day 2018!
The theme for this year’s International Safer Internet Day was: Create Connect and Share Respect: A Safer Internet Starts with you. As the name suggests the aim of the day, which took place earlier this week is to encourage users of the internet, particularly young people to use the internet safely and responsibly. So […]