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Transforming Education: How One School’s Phone Pouch Initiat

An Interview with an Irish Secondary School Teacher.The integration of technology in education has been both fortuitous and a challenge. Following the newly launched Zeeko Phone Locking System, we have made it our priority to speak to teachers across Ireland who have successfully implemented the initiative in their schools. For one Irish secondary school, the […]

Phone Pouches allowing Secondary school students to enjoy th...

An Interview with an Irish Secondary School Deputy Principal.One of the biggest distractions to learning in Irish Schools is smartphones, disrupting both teaching and learning. Constant notifications, social media, and gaming apps pull students’ attention away from lessons, diminishing focus and academic performance. The temptation to check phones during class leads to multitasking, which is […]

Is Snapchat a gateway drug?

Snapchat has taken the world by storm, there isn’t a person who has access to a smartphone who doesn’t know in some capacity what Snapchat is. But, what is Snapchat really?Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app developed by Snap Inc., originally launched in 2011. It’s known for its unique approach to communication, emphasising short-lived content […]

Becoming a Digital Learner – Learning with Tablets

A digital learner utilises digital technologies and resources to acquire knowledge and skills. Digital learning includes online courses, e-books, educational apps, interactive multimedia, virtual classrooms, and many more as the digital world expands. Digital learners often leverage the internet and digital devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones to access educational content anytime and anywhere. Digital […]

Issues we now face because of the internet – combatting with

We know that technological advancement, especially the internet, has brought many issues to our children’s lives or at least enhanced underlying problems. Regarding education and learning, internet access has changed how students source information. Later in this blog, we will compare the main differences between pre-and post-internet education.The issuesWe are conscious of not continuously repeating […]