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Teenagers and Revenge Porn

What is Revenge Porn?Have you heard of Revenge porn? It is something that has been highlighted in the news recently. It is an activity that has emerged from younger people not being educated about the dangers of sharing inappropriate and explicit content of others without their consent, typically of a former partner. This content is […]

The Dangers of TikTok

What is TikTok? We’re quite sure that most people are now aware of the social media platform TikTok. In recent years the platform has taken the world by storm. Aided by COVID-19 lockdowns, it’s now a common household name sitting right up there with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.  TikTok allows users to create, watch, and […]

The Primary Curriculum Framework: An Overview of the New Pri...

The Minister for Education Norma Foley has officially launched the new Primary Curriculum Framework for primary and special education schools. The framework was developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, work that took six years to prepare, researched and designed using national and international research, reaching out to over 60 primary schools and […]

Press Release March 2023


Zeeko and Next Education announce partnership, strive to transform the edtech landscape of India~ The partnership introduces Magic Leaders, a peer led entrepreneur programme ~~ Educators and students who participate in this programme can leverage an interactive digital learning experience through an edtech SaaS platform ~India, March 17: Zeeko, an Enterprise Ireland backed high-potential start-up […]

Press Release October 2022

Irish EdTech Company Signs Agreement with Vietnam’s Institute for Education Technology – Zeeko to trial Magical Leaders programme for students in 5 schools in HanoiDublin, Ireland, 21 October 2022, Zeeko, the Irish EdTech company, today announced that it has signed an agreement with Vietnam’s Institute for Education Technology to trial an EdTech programme for students.The […]