Catfishing, it’s a phrase that most people associate with the hit MTV Show ‘Catfish’. In terms of online safety catfishing is a serious concern in particular for the parents of teenagers. Our most recent research at Zeeko found that, students in secondary school had more contacts with strangers online, specifically: 50% of male and […]
7 Benefits of Coding for Kids and Students
Coding is becoming increasingly popular among Irish children. Have a read of this guest article by Holly Clark from US based on the benefits of coding! For kids to appreciate how the modern technology operates, there is a need to introduce them to coding. Most kids are living in a world where technology […]
Digital Literacy: A Skill Every Child Should Acquire!
It may sound like a buzz word, but digital literacy is in fact an incredibly important skill. When our research team attend European Conferences on internet safety, the importance of digital literacy is always stressed. Developing digital literacy skills is a key component of our newest product at Zeeko, Appyness Online. So, what is […]
Fortnite: How to Help your Child Stay Safe
Fortnite, it’s the gaming craze that shows no sign of fading. It is likely that your child wants to play or knows someone who is already playing. So, what can you do to help your child to stay safe if they play Fortnite? The main game focuses on a Save The World mode where […]
Simple Advice for Being a Great Digital Parent!
Parenting can be a challenge, there’s little doubt about that. There is now a new element to parenting and that’s digital! Everything from encouraging your kids to have a balance in their use of technology to helping them to be aware of the issues that they may face when they are online is an […]
Appyness Online: A New Frontier in Peer Led Education!
Here at Zeeko, we provide our subscribers with a weekly blog offering advice and tips for parents to enhance and improve their knowledge of internet safety and how to best manage their children’s time online. Our blog this week tells you all you need to know about Appyness Online a new way for children […]
Helping Teens to Safely Navigate Social Media!
One of the huge concerns for parents and teachers is the amount of time that that teens are spending on social media. However, it’s not only the amount of time but also the type of information that they are being exposed to that is of concern. How can you help the teenagers in your […]
Zeeko Tips for Managing Screentime!
Screens, it seems like they are everywhere and managing their use, in particular by kids, can certainly be a challenge! Here are some tips from our team at Zeeko for managing screentime: Be a good role model: If your child sees you constantly using digital devices and looking at screens, it’s likely they will […]
Helping your Child Deal with Cyberbullying
Unfortunately, the cyber element to bullying is a growing concern for parents and schools. There was a time when bullying was confined to face to face interaction. With the growing use of digital communication, the cyber element to bullying is only increasing. What can you do to support your child if they become the […]
Tips for Managing Smartphone Use by Kids
Smartphones are now seen as an almost essential component in the way we communicate with each other and the world around us, and that’s just for the adults! An increasing number of children now have access to a range of digital devices including smartphones. Whether that is spending time using a parent’s smartphone or […]