What is TikTok? We’re quite sure that most people are now aware of the social media platform TikTok. In recent years the platform has taken the world by storm. Aided by COVID-19 lockdowns, it’s now a common household name sitting right up there with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. TikTok allows users to create, watch, and […]
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Author: Laoise Sheehan
How Magical Leaders improves digital Skills
What are digital skills?Digital skills are the ability to source, evaluate, organise, use, and communicate information that can be obtained from the internet or on a computer or a device. Since the first computer was invented, there has been a need for digitally skilled people to operate and work in roles where digital devices are […]
21st Century Skills and the impact they are having on our st...
21st-century skills are tools that can be applied universally to improve how we think, learn, work and live in the world. When we reflect on what school actually is, it’s preparing students for when they leave education. How we prepare them is to equip them with the skills they will need to become great citizens […]
How participation in Magical Leaders can help your child’s m
The month of May is dedicated to raising awareness around mental health. With mental health issues continually increasing for our children and students, at Zeeko, we are always researching and looking for ways to support parents, teachers, students and children around these topics. According to Mental Health Ireland, 1 in 10 children will suffer from some […]
The Primary Curriculum Framework: An Overview of the New Pri...
The Minister for Education Norma Foley has officially launched the new Primary Curriculum Framework for primary and special education schools. The framework was developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, work that took six years to prepare, researched and designed using national and international research, reaching out to over 60 primary schools and […]
Are your children safe from online gaming addiction?
What is online gaming? Online gaming is at an all-time high, with children now using devices before they even begin walking. Online gaming refers to any game played on a computer or device, generally over the internet. Last week, Ryan Tubrity on RTE Radio 1 dedicated a talk show segment to speaking about online […]
Practical tips for staying safe online
Being safe online is essential. We often relate being safe online to not speaking with strangers and cyberbullying. However, that is only one side of it. We have compiled a list of more technical things you can keep in mind to protect both you and your children while on the Internet.Don’t share personal informationThe most […]
How to be Well Digitally
Digital wellbeing is a term used to describe the impact of technologies and digital services on people’s mental, physical, social, and emotional health. We are now more conscious of our mental health. The online world is a great place for both adults and students to learn. However, it often brings with it feelings of anxiousness and […]
What is Omegle?
A site that has been around for years is Omegle. Unlike most sites and social media platforms, the novelty of this one doesn’t seem to be wearing off. The presenters of our Internet Safety seminars are asked frequently about this site, we thought it was worth putting the information we have into a blog to […]
5 ways to help your child maintain their mental health over ...
Summer is coming! In our last blog, we spoke on how to maintain your child’s digital wellbeing. Here at Zeeko, we believe that digital well-being and mental health go hand in hand. However, digital well-being is just one aspect of positive mental health. There are many contributing factors, some of which become more prevalent over […]