It is likely you have seen or heard coverage in the media this week of the findings of our most recent research at Zeeko, the findings reveal what Irish children are doing when they are online, their social media platforms of choice and what digital devices kids are using to interact with others, both […]
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Category: Advice Hub
Zeeko Digital Trend Report 2017: The Results
It is likely you have seen or heard coverage in the media this week of the findings of our most recent research at Zeeko, the findings reveal what Irish children are doing when they are online, their social media platforms of choice and what digital devices kids are using to interact with others, both people […]
What do you Know About your Child’s Digital Life?
When your child comes home from an extracurricular activity or spending time with friends it is highly likely that you ask them a few questions about how they got on. How often have you asked them about what they are doing when they are online? When we meet parents at our parent seminars in […]
A New Year: New Steps for Staying Safe Online!
Firstly, the team at Zeeko would like to wish all the readers of our blog a very happy and prosperous New Year! It’s highly likely that your home now has at least one more digital device than it did before Christmas and that you have some, new year’s resolutions! Hopefully some of these resolutions […]
Facebook Launch Messenger Kids: What You Need to Know
Given the increasingly crowded market of messaging apps and the rush by social media companies to engage a younger and younger audience, it was only a matter of time before Facebook developed a messaging service for children under the age of 13. It was launched just last week in the US and will undoubtedly […]
Why is a Digital Detox so Important for Teens?
Do you feel that your teenager seems to be always connected to a digital device? When we deliver our parent seminars in secondary schools throughout the country we regularly hear from parents that they have concerns about how much time their child is spending attached to and engaging with a digital device. When we […]
How Safe is YouTube Kids?
When we talk to kids as part our work in Zeeko one app is constantly mentioned: YouTube Kids. This is a children’s version of the adult YouTube. It offers kids a way of watching content and commenting on the videos they watch. However, just because the word ‘Kids’ is in the title you should […]
Communicating with your Teen About What they are Doing Onlin...
Communicating with a teenager can undoubtedly be a challenge. This is most certainly the case when it comes to what they are doing when they are online. Many of the parents we meet in the course of our work in Zeeko have genuine concerns about what their child is potentially, exposed to when they […]
How Kids are Exposed to Terrorism on Social Media
Our blog this week is written by guest blogger Beatrice Cadet. An International security and Psychology student, Beatrice is passionate about child safety and tech. Currently living in France, she has also lived in Spain and California, working for start-up companies. She joined our team at Zeeko as a Strategy consultant in June […]
Online Gaming: The Changing Face of Childhood
The way that children play is changing. Instead of spending time playing face to face, children of all ages are spending time playing games online. Along with the obvious challenges of managing screentime where gaming is concerned, there are other things that children and parents need to bear in mind when playing games […]