Social media, it seems to be everywhere! Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat there is always some new development or controversy making headlines about a social networking site or app. Through our work at Zeeko we often hear from parents who are overwhelmed by the amount of apps, games and social networking sites […]
Children and Smartphones: Keeping Kids Safe
One of the most common questions asked by parents at our parent seminars in schools throughout the country relates to what age is the right age to allow a child to have a smartphone? Smartphones can open up a whole new world to your child in very positive ways such as teaching them about […]
Children and Technology: Setting Boundaries
From our most recent research for our All Ireland Digital Trend Report, we discovered that children as young as 5 spend some time online every day. This means that technology is a central part of childhood, at an increasingly young age. How to manage the time children spend online can be a constant challenge […]
Cyberbullying: It’s Everyone’s Concern
At the recent release of their Annual Report, the ISPCC indicated that from the work they are engaged in every day, cyber safety is the biggest safety concern of our time. At Zeeko when working with primary and secondary schools throughout the country, we promote the message of the internet being a fantastic resource […]
Staying Safe Online Over The Christmas Holidays
As the Christmas holidays start in earnest this week, it is a good time to remind your children whether they are young or a little older about the importance of staying safe online over the next few weeks. It is highly likely that Santa is going to deliver smartphones and/or digital devices in all […]
Yellow App: What Parents Need to Know
Yellow, to most people it denotes a colour but it is also an app, an app that there is much talk about and one that parents certainly need to be aware of. The Children’s Rights Alliance and the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection in Ireland made a statement recently on the Yellow App and […]
The Language your Child is Speaking Online: What you Need to...
Language is the key to communication from the earliest stages of childhood, however there is now a brand new language being spoken online by kids and teens and the vast majority of adults know very little about it. At the parent seminars we deliver to parents associations throughout the country, we regularly hear that parents […]
Screentime: How Best to Manage it
When we visit schools throughout Ireland and during our parents digital crash courses one question that comes up consistently is in relation to screentime, how best to manage it and how to encourage a healthy online offline balance for children. The reality is that in this digital age screens are everywhere. Children could potentially […] App: What Parents Need to Know
The app reached number 1 in the app charts a few weeks ago. So why is it so popular and what do you need to be aware of to ensure that your child stays safe, when they are using it? is essentially a way of sharing music videos with friends. While this […]
Dangerous Apps: What Parents need to Know
Today’s parents are well aware of the dangers lurking on popular social media sites. We often read or hear horror stories about cyberbullies, online predators, and identity thieves. In response to these threats, many of us have followed our kids’ lead and joined the major sites and apps, like Facebook or Twitter, to keep […]